Network based parallel computing
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InhaltsverzeichnisProgram Development and Execution Support.REXEC: A Decentralized, Secure Remote Execution Environment for Clusters.A Visual BSP Programming Environment for Distributed Computing.Transparent Network Connectivity in Dynamic Cluster Environments.Network Router Architecture.A New Methodology to Compute Deadlock-Free Routing Tables for Irregular Networks.On the Performance of Up*/Down* Routing.Extending Dynamic Reconfiguration to NOWs with Adaptive Routing.System Support for Communication Abstractions.MPI Derived Data Types Support in VIRTUS.Fast Collective Communication Algorithms for Reflective Memory Network Clusters.Broadcast/Multicast over Myrinet Using NIC-Assisted Multidestination Messages.Network Software and Interface Architecture.Simulation Studies of Gigabit Ethernet Versus Myrinet Using Real Application Cores.Comparison and Evaluation of Design Choices for Implementing the Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA).Efficient Communication Using Message Prediction for Cluster of Multiprocessors.