George Grote
2023Plato's Doctrine Respecting the Rotation of the Earth and Aristotle's Comment Upon That Doctrine
2022Seven Letters Concerning the Politics of Switzerland, Pending the Outbreak of the Civil War in 1847
2022Review of the Work of Mr. John Stuart Mill Entitled 'Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosoph
2021History of Greece (I. Legendary Greece. II. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Atheus)
2020Plato's Doctrine
2016Greece: I. Legendary Greece: Ii. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Athens, Volume 4
2016Greece: I. Legendary Greece: Ii. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Athens, Volume 5
2015Plato's Docrine Respecting The Rotation Of The Earth, And Aristotle's Comment Upon That Doctrine