Modeling of volcanic processes
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InhaltsverzeichnisSeismological Detection and Delineation of Magma Chambers Beneath Intraplate Volcanic Centers in Western U. S. A..Dynamics of Magma Transfer at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean).Feeding Mechanism of Eurptive Activity at Mt. Etna Based on Seidmological and Petrological Data.Ground Deformation Monitoring and Modelling at Some Italian Volcanoes: Vesuvio, Lipari-Vulcano and Campi Flegrei.Siesmic Sources and swarms at Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy.Volcanic Activity and Eruption Sequences at Stromboli during 1983–1984.Thermal Instabilities During Flow of Magma in Conduits with Finite Conductivity.A Theory on the Transport and Distribution of Radon.Mathematical Attractor Theory and Plutonic-Volcanic Episodicity.Book Reviews.