Advanced information systems engineering
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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talks.The Unified Process for Component-Based Development.From Business Process Model to Application System — Developing an Information System with the House of Business Engineering (HOBE).Regular Papers.CPAM, A Protocol for Software Composition.A Process-Oriented Approach to Software Component Definition.Configuring Business Objects from Legacy Systems.Risk Management for IT in the Large.Linking Business Modelling to Socio-technical System Design.Towards Flexible and High-Level Modeling and Enacting of Processes.Method Enhancement with Scenario Based Techniques.Support for the Process Engineer: The Spearmint Approach to Software Process Definition and Process Guidance.Managing Componentware Development – Software Reuse and the V-Modell Process.Modelling Multidimensional Data in a Dataflow-Based Visual Data Analysis Environment.Towards Quality-Oriented Data Warehouse Usage and Evolution.Designing the Global Data Warehouse with SPJ Views.ApplyingGraph Reduction Techniques for Identifying Structural Conflicts in Process Models.A Multi-variant Approach to Software Process Modelling.An Ontological Analysis of Integrated Process Modelling.Design of Object Caching in a CORBA OTM System.Constructing IDL Views on Relational Databases.The Design of Cooperative Transaction Model by Using Client-Server Architecture.A Multilevel Secure Workflow Management System.Time Constraints in Workflow Systems.TOGA—A Customizable Service for Data-Centric Collaboration.A Practical Approach to Access Heterogeneous and Distributed Databases.A Uniform Approach to Inter-model Transformations.OTHY: Object To HYpermedia.Modeling Dynamic Domains with ConGolog.Towards an Object Petri Nets Model for Specifying and Validating Distributed Information Systems.Relationship Reification: A Temporal View.Towards a Classification Framework for Application Granularity in Workflow Management Systems.Adaptive Outsourcing in Cross-Organizational Workflows.Policy-Based Resource Management.Modelling Method Heuristics for Better Quality Products.Queries and Constraints on Semi-structured Data.A Prototype for Metadata-Based Integration of Internet Sources.Workflow Management Through Distributed and Persistent CORBA Workflow Objects.Component Criteria for Information System Families.TUML: A Method for Modelling Temporal Information Systems.Beyond Goal Representation: Checking Goal-Satisfaction by Temporal Reasoning with Business Processes.Design the Flexibility, Maintain the Stability of Conceptual Schemas.Metrics for Active Database Maintainability.