Financial cryptography
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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talks.Analyzing the Success and Failure of Recent e-Payment Schemes.Peppercoin Micropayments.Loyalty and Micropayment Systems.Microcredits for Verifiable Foreign Service Provider Metering.A Privacy-Friendly Loyalty System Based on Discrete Logarithms over Elliptic Curves.User Authentication.Addressing Online Dictionary Attacks with Login Histories and Humans-in-the-Loop.Call Center Customer Verification by Query-Directed Passwords.Cryptography and the French Banking Cards: Past, Present, Future.PayPass Security and Risk.e-Voting.The Vector-Ballot e-Voting Approach.Efficient Maximal Privacy in Boardroom Voting and Anonymous Broadcast.Panel Session: Building Usable Security Systems.Usability and Acceptability of Biometric Security Systems.Mental Models of Computer Security.Visualization Tools for Security Administrators.Secure Interaction Design.Invited Talk.Bringing Payment Technology to the Unbanked.Auctions and Lotteries.Interleaving Cryptography and Mechanism Design.Secure Generalized Vickrey Auction without Third-party Servers.Electronic National Lotteries.Identity-Based Chameleon Hash and Applications.Game Theoretic and Cryptographic Tools.Selecting Correlated Random Actions.An Efficient and Usable Multi-show Non-transferable Anonymous Credential System.The Ephemeral Pairing Problem.Mix Networks and Anonymous Communications.Mixminion: Strong Anonymity for Financial Cryptography.Practical Anonymity for the Masses with MorphMix.Timing Attacks in Low-Latency Mix Systems.Provable Unlinkability against Traffic Analysis.