Correct hardware design and verification methods
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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talks.Is Formal Verification Bound to Remain a Junior Partner of Simulation?.Verification Challenges in Configurable Processor Design with ASIP Meister.Tutorial.Towards the Pervasive Verification of Automotive Systems.Functional Approaches to Design Description.Wired: Wire-Aware Circuit Design.Formalization of the DE2 Language.Game Solving Approaches.Finding and Fixing Faults.Verifying Quantitative Properties Using Bound Functions.Abstraction.How Thorough Is Thorough Enough?.Interleaved Invariant Checking with Dynamic Abstraction.Automatic Formal Verification of Liveness for Pipelined Processors with Multicycle Functional Units.Algorithms and Techniques for Speeding (DD-Based) Verification 1.Efficient Symbolic Simulation via Dynamic Scheduling, Don’t Caring, and Case Splitting.Achieving Speedups in Distributed Symbolic Reachability Analysis Through Asynchronous Computation.Saturation-Based Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Conjunctive and Disjunctive Partitioning.Real Time and LTL Model Checking.Real-Time Model Checking Is Really Simple.Temporal Modalities for Concisely Capturing Timing Diagrams.Regular Vacuity.Algorithms and Techniques for Speeding Verification 2.Automatic Generation of Hints for Symbolic Traversal.Maximal Input Reduction of Sequential Netlists via Synergistic Reparameterization and Localization Strategies.A New SAT-Based Algorithm for Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation.Evaluation of SAT-Based Tools.An Analysis of SAT-Based Model Checking Techniques in an Industrial Environment.Model Reduction.Exploiting Constraints in Transformation-Based Verification.Identification and Counter Abstraction for Full Virtual Symmetry.Verification of Memory Hierarchy Mechanisms.On the Verificationof Memory Management Mechanisms.Counterexample Guided Invariant Discovery for Parameterized Cache Coherence Verification.Short Papers.Symbolic Partial Order Reduction for Rule Based Transition Systems.Verifying Timing Behavior by Abstract Interpretation of Executable Code.Behavior-RTL Equivalence Checking Based on Data Transfer Analysis with Virtual Controllers and Datapaths.Deadlock Prevention in the Æthereal Protocol.Acceleration of SAT-Based Iterative Property Checking.Error Detection Using BMC in a Parallel Environment.Formal Verification of Synchronizers.A Parameterized Benchmark Suite of Hard Pipelined-Machine-Verification Problems.Improvements to the Implementation of Interpolant-Based Model Checking.High-Level Modelling, Analysis, and Verification on FPGA-Based Hardware Design.Proving Parameterized Systems: The Use of Pseudo-Pipelines in Polyhedral Logic.Resolving Quartz Overloading.FPGA Based Accelerator for 3-SAT Conflict Analysis in SAT Solvers.Predictive Reachability Using a Sample-Based Approach.Minimizing Counterexample of ACTL Property.Data Refinement for Synchronous System Specification and Construction.Introducing Abstractions via Rewriting.A Case Study: Formal Verification of Processor Critical Properties.