Principles of distributed systems
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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talk 1.Distributed Algorithms for Systems of Autonomous Mobile Robots.Invited Talk 2.Real-Time Issues in Mobile Wireless Networks.Session 1: Nonblocking Synchronization.A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm.Efficiently Implementing a Large Number of LL/SC Objects.Can Memory Be Used Adaptively by Uniform Algorithms?.Randomized Wait-Free Consensus Using an Atomicity Assumption.Session 2: Fault-Tolerant Broadcast and Consensus.Optimal Randomized Fair Exchange with Secret Shared Coins.Two Abstractions for Implementing Atomic Objects in Dynamic Systems.Parsimonious Asynchronous Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant Atomic Broadcast.Session 3: Self-stabilizing Systems.Self-stabilizing Population Protocols.A Self-stabilizing Link-Coloring Protocol Resilient to Unbounded Byzantine Faults in Arbitrary Networks.Timed Virtual Stationary Automata for Mobile Networks.Asynchronous and Fully Self-stabilizing Time-Adaptive Majority Consensus.Session 4: Peer-to-Peer Systems and Collaborative Environments.Stable Predicate Detection in Dynamic Systems.MTcast: Robust and Efficient P2P-Based Video Delivery for Heterogeneous Users.Towards a Theory of Self-organization.Node Discovery in Networks.Session 5: Sensor Networks and Mobile Computing.Optimal Clock Synchronization Under Energy Constraints in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.Half-Space Proximal: A New Local Test for Extracting a Bounded Dilation Spanner of a Unit Disk Graph.A State-Based Model of Sensor Protocols.Session 6: Security and Verification.Approximation Bounds for Black Hole Search Problems.Revising UNITY Programs: Possibilities and Limitations.Session 7: Real-Time Systems.The Partitioned, Static-Priority Scheduling of Sporadic Real-Time Tasks with Constrained Deadlines onMultiprocessor Platforms.New Schedulability Tests for Real-Time Task Sets Scheduled by Deadline Monotonic on Multiprocessors.Static-Priority Scheduling of Sporadic Messages on a Wireless Channel.Implementing Reliable Distributed Real-Time Systems with the ?-Model.Session 8: Peer-to-Peer Systems.Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks.Skip B-Trees.Bounding Communication Cost in Dynamic Load Balancing of Distributed Hash Tables.Session 9: Sensor Networks and Mobile Computing.On the Power of Anonymous One-Way Communication.Quality-Aware Resource Management for Wireless Sensor Networks.Topology Control with Limited Geometric Information.