Applied cryptography and network security
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InhaltsverzeichnisSignature Schemes I.Generic Transformation to Strongly Unforgeable Signatures.Efficient Generic On-Line/Off-Line Signatures Without Key Exposure.Merkle Signatures with Virtually Unlimited Signature Capacity.Computer and Network Security.Midpoints Versus Endpoints: From Protocols to Firewalls.An Adversary Aware and Intrusion Detection Aware Attack Model Ranking Scheme.Analyzing an Electronic Cash Protocol Using Applied Pi Calculus.Cryptanalysis.Cryptanalysis of the TRMC-4 Public Key Cryptosystem.Estimating the Prime-Factors of an RSA Modulus and an Extension of the Wiener Attack.A Timing Attack on Blakley’s Modular Multiplication Algorithm, and Applications to DSA.Protecting AES Software Implementations on 32-Bit Processors Against Power Analysis.Group-Oriented Security.Constant-Round Authenticated Group Key Exchange with Logarithmic Computation Complexity.Preventing Collusion Attacks on the One-Way Function Tree (OFT) Scheme.Bayesian Methods for Practical Traitor Tracing.Cryptographic Protocols.A New Protocol for Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and Its Applications.An Unconditionally Secure Protocol for Multi-Party Set Intersection.Privacy-Preserving Set Union.Anonymous Authentication.Universal Accumulators with Efficient Nonmembership Proofs.Unlinkable Secret Handshakes and Key-Private Group Key Management Schemes.Identity-Based Cryptography.Identity-Based Proxy Re-encryption.A More Natural Way to Construct Identity-Based Identification Schemes.Tweaking TBE/IBE to PKE Transforms with Chameleon Hash Functions.Certified E-Mail Protocol in the ID-Based Setting.Security in Wireless, Ad-Hoc, and Peer-to-Peer Networks.Efficient Content Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Networks.An Identity-Based Signcryption Scheme for Multi-domain Ad Hoc Networks.Efficient Self-healing Key Distribution with Revocation for Wireless Sensor Networks Using One Way Key Chains.BAP: Broadcast Authentication Using Cryptographic Puzzles.Efficient Implementation.Compressed XTR.Sliding Window Method for NTRU.Signature Schemes II.Efficient Certificateless Signature Schemes.Security Mediated Certificateless Signatures.Gradually Convertible Undeniable Signatures.