Frontiers in algorithmics
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InhaltsverzeichnisProgress on Certifying Algorithms.Computational Geometry for Uncertain Data.On Foundations of Services Interoperation in Cloud Computing.Mechanism Design for Multi-slot Ads Auction in Sponsored Search Markets.Truthful Auction for CPU Time Slots.Top-d Rank Aggregation in Web Meta-search Engine.Minimum Common String Partition Revisited.Inapproximability of Maximal Strip Recovery: II.Minimizing Total Variation for Field Splitting with Feathering in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy.Approximation Schemes for Scheduling with Availability Constraints.An Space Lower Bound for Finding ?-Approximate Quantiles in a Data Stream.Improved Sublinear Time Algorithm for Width-Bounded Separators.Constant Time Generation of Biconnected Rooted Plane Graphs.Solving General Lattice Puzzles.A Hybrid Graph Representation for Recursive Backtracking Algorithms.On Tractable Exponential Sums.Recognizing d-Interval Graphs and d-Track Interval Graphs.Categorial Semantics of a Solution to Distributed Dining Philosophers Problem.Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Domination Problem.A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Embedding Hypergraph in a Weighted Cycle.FPTAS’s for Some Cut Problems in Weighted Trees.Deterministic Online Call Control in Cellular Networks and Triangle-Free Cellular Networks.Online Algorithms for the Newsvendor Problem with and without Censored Demands.O((logn)2) Time Online Approximation Schemes for Bin Packing and Subset Sum Problems.Path Separability of Graphs.Minimum Cost Edge-Colorings of Trees Can Be Reduced to Matchings.Computing Minimum Diameter Color-Spanning Sets.Approximation Algorithm for the Largest Area Convex Hull of Same Size Non-overlapping Axis-Aligned Squares.Optimum Sweeps ofSimple Polygons with Two Guards.Adaptive Algorithms for Planar Convex Hull Problems.New Algorithms for Barrier Coverage with Mobile Sensors.