Sketches from the Steppes of Central Asia
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PART I • CONTENTS • LIST OF AUTHORS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS • FOLDERS I - III FOLDER I: title, imprint, list of authors and their contributions and folders in part I and part II of the portfolio, preface, map, sources of illustrations; text: 5 pages, map: 1, DinA4. PREFACE V.& A. RAUTENSTENGEL text: 2 pages. FOLDER II: text: 2 pages; drawing of a perspective of a complete tent showing felt ties: 1, DinA3. THE GÖKLEÑ AN HISTORICAL SYNOPSIS PETER ALFORD ANDREWS text: 4 pages. A VISIT TO THE GÖKLEÑ PETER ALFORD ANDREWS text: 3 pages; photographs: 2, DinA5, b/w. FOLDER III: text: 2 pages; reproduction of a map: 1, DinA3, comment: 2 pages. GÖKLAN TURKMEN NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF THE GÖKLAN TRIBE SIAWOSCH ULRICH AZADI text: 4 pages. EARLY EUROPEAN GEOGRAPHICAL CARTOGRAPHY FROM SKETCHES COLLECTED BY ANTHONY JENKINSON (1525-1611) IN THE STEPPES OF CENTRAL ASIA NOTE ON AN EARLY MAP BASED ON SKETCHES DRAWN BY ANTHONY JENKINSON DURING HIS TRAVELS THROUGH CENTRAL ASIA WHILE TRACING MARCO POLO’S FOOTPRINTS TO CHINA V.& A. RAUTENSTENGEL text: 2 pages; reproduction of a 16th century map: 1, DinA3. PART II • CONTENTS • LIST OF AUTHORS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS • FOLDERS IV-VII FOLDER IV: text: 2 pages; reproduction of engravings: 2, DinA3; photograph: 1, DinA4, comment: 1 page. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE VARIETY OF TÜRKMEN WEAVING RICHARD ISAACSON text: 4 pages. TWO 19TH CENTURY SKETCHES FROM THE STEPPES OF CENTRAL ASIA RICHARD ISAACSON text: 1 page; comment on 3 reproductions of engravings: 2, DinA3, 1, DinA4, depicted on and in the portfolio. FOLDER V: text: 4 pages; list of illustrations; drawing of a perspective of a Türkmen tent frame with cordage: 1, DinA3. GROUPS OF “EAGLES” THAT HAVE NOT FLOWN AWAY – A COMPARISON OF STRUCTURE AND ORNAMENT IN THE WEAVINGS OF DIFFERENT TÜRKMEN TRIBAL GROUPS IN CENTRAL ASIA V.& A. RAUTENSTENGEL text: 64 pages, color plates: 12, DinA3, 9, DinA4, illustrations of details: 80; 4 large depictions of aq yüp, 3 in 1:1 size; synoptic presentation of structural data: 1 poster. FOLDER VI: text: 2 pages; photograph of a Türkmen tent: 1, DinA4. NO. 4, AQ YÜP, “EAGLE”-GÖL GROUP I; NO. 4a, AQ YÜP, “EAGLE”-GÖL GROUP I; NO. 10, AQ YÜP, “EAGLE”-GÖL GROUP II; NO. 16, AQ YÜP, “EAGLE”-GÖL GROUP III. V.& A. RAUTENSTENGEL 4 large depictions of aq yüp, (in 1:1 size: 3). FOLDER VII: text: 4 pages; drawing of a perspective of a Türkmen tent frame partly covered with felt ties: 1, DinA3. STRUCTURE TABLES OF HALI, PALAS, AQ YÜP, AND SMALLER PILE-WEAVE PIECES IN “EAGLE”-GÖL GROUPS I, II AND III V.& A. RAUTENSTENGEL 1 poster containing a compilation of all structural details found in hali, palas, aq yüp, and smaller pile-weave pieces of nos: 1-3, 3a, 3b, 4, 4a, 5-18, in structure tables. For abbreviations and symbols used in descriptions and structure tables see FOLDER VII.