Acquisition of Slavic languages
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Acquisition of Slavic Languages Hristo Kyuchukov (ed.) Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences The new series Lincom Studies in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism with series editor Hristo Kyuchukov is going to include new research findings in the area of bilingualism and language acquisition. The series will deal with little investigated languages in the field of language acquisition and will motivate researchers from East European countries, ex-Soviet Union and ex-Yugoslavian countries to publish their monographs and studies in this series. The first volume, dedicated to the Acquisition of Slavic Languages, includes research papers by young and established scholars form USA, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine. The papers are dealing with the acquisition of different grammatical categories in Russian and Ukrainian, the acquisition of Bulgarian and Slovak as a second language, the acquisition of English. The papers are original and present the most recent research results in the field of developmental psycholinguistics. CONTENTS Hristo Kyuchukov Introduction I PART GENERAL ISSUES OF LANGUGAE ACQUISITION Jill de Villiers and Teresa Kenyon Towards a model of relevance implicatures in children II PART ACQUISITION OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES Larisa Каlmykova Ontogenesis of the vocal activity of children of the sixth year of life Nataliya Kharchenko Listening and utterance-reasoning production in Ukrainian children of a pre-school age Svitlana Demyanenko Features of meta-language displays in Ukrainian-speaking children of the 6-th year of life Lesia Poriadchenko Specific features of description by 5-6 years old Ukrainian children Валентина И. Яшина Oсвоения выразительных средств русского языка Оксана С. Ушакова Oвладение языком в дошкольном детстве как педагогическая проблема Elena Mileva (Rivina) Interpreting language of fine arts in the context of language development of Russian preschool children III PART BRIEF RESEARCH REPORTS Hristo Kyuchukov Bulgarian and Slovak as second language for Roma children Penka Kuneva Literacy readiness in teaching English APPENDIX Mihail Videnov The sociolinguistic nature of Mezolect ISBN 978 3 86288 671 5 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Languages Acquisition and Bilingualism 01. 20pp. 2015.