Economic analysis of consumer demand for leafy African indigenous vegetables in Kenya
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Consumption of vegetables in Kenya is below the recommended level by the World Health Organization. Leafy African indigenous vegetables (AIVs) have been utilized for food, nutrition, and medicinal purposes and contain higher levels of micronutrients and minerals compared to exotic vegetables. An establishment of vegetable consumption patterns was revealed through an economic analysis of consumer demand for leafy AIVs from a consumer-perspective. The overall objective in this book is to evaluate the role of consumer behavior in influencing consumption patterns of leafy AIVs in order to recommend relevant policies and strategies for increasing their demand and improve household food and nutritional security in Kenya. Consumption patterns of leafy AIVs were evaluated along four dimensions with regards to household decision making about vegetable utilization. The dimensions comprised of acceptance of leafy AIVs for consumption, consumption intensity of leafy AIVs, household demand system of leafy AIVs, and the role of retail outlets on consumption behavior of leafy AIVs in Kenyaa. An improvement of various interrelated activities along the vegetable value chain can increase consumption of leafy. Recommendations are made for various stakeholders including producers, marketers, researchers, policy makers and other participants along the vegetable value chain for their consideration. This information can enhance development of appropriate interventions for increasing vegetable consumption levels in Kenya and other developing countries.