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Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology


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Molecular biology is one of the most rapidly developing and at the same time most exciting disciplines. The key to molecular biology lies in the understanding of nucleic acids - their structure, function, and interaction with proteins. Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology keeps scientists informed of the explosively growing information and complies with the great interest in this field by offering a continued high standard of review. Volume 5 opens with a review of novel DNA-structures found commonly in the telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes. It turns to the topics of DNA-repair and replication and in-depth studies of DNA-Polymerase I, which leads to the exciting and rapidly moving area of DNA-protein interactions emphasizing aspects of sequence recognition and specificity. A view on the control of gene expression with examples of retroviruses such as HIV or transgenic animals for eukaryotes concludes this volume.




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