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Odysseus treasures ITHAKA in his heart as the world’s first given truth. NOSTOS, “returning home” is always on his mind. ROMEO AND JULIET have never really died. DON QUIXOTE lives alone somewhere in Europe talking at night to Cervantes, and on an island in the south FAUST deciphers Goethe. RIMBAUD has never stopped writing. They all meet in TROY cutting the threads of destiny. EROS AND PSYCHE are finally unified! MODELS of Πoetry by Christos G. Zanias The project „MODELS of Πoetry“ consists of 9 books. „FAUST, Mythic Light“ is the 5th book of the project. It includes poems and one small detachable original serigraph which is printed on „SIRIO PEARL, Oyster Shell“ paper 220 g, (ca. DIN A4, motive 23,7x16,5 cm, CMYK) and signed by the artist. The pages of the book are printed on “Symphony” paper Elfenbein 160g. The front and back cover is also a serigraph printed on „SIRIO PEARL, Oyster Shell“ paper 220 g. http://aloni-editions. com