Chère Rose
More about the book
This book, was written with the intention of making the life and writings of Rosalie de Constant better known. Living during one of the most colourful and unpredictable periods of European history, with relatives and friends serving on either side in the many armed conflicts of the time, she remained friend and confidante of them all. Rosalie de Constant was a fiercely patriotic Swiss lady and a true European. Her cousin, Benjamin Constant, was her political correspondent and kept her au fait with the changing events of the Napoleonic era and the Restoration. Germaine de Stael provided her with an admirable sparring partner. As a child she played in the gardens of Voltaire and was mourned at her death by Chateaubriand. She was blessed with common sense, humour and the delicacy of the famous «esprit Constant» so often admired in her cousin.