Lars Kepler
Lars Kepler is the pseudonym of a married couple, Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril (*2.3. 1966) and Alexander Ahndoril (*20.1. 1967), who have published five bestselling crime novels together.
Lars Kepler is the pseudonym of a married couple, Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril (*2.3. 1966) and Alexander Ahndoril (*20.1. 1967).The Hypnotist was made into a film directed by Lars Hallström, The Snowman directed by Tomas Alfredson. The series has so far sold over 15 million copies in 40 languages.
The first name of the pseudonym refers to the Swedish writer Stieg Larsson, author of the Millennium trilogy, whom the duo wanted to approach in terms of genre and quality of the works. The surname Kepler is a reference to the astronomer Jan Kepler, with whom new discoveries are associated. Similarly, the writers reportedly planned to use unconventional plots and be influenced by filmmaking.
Under the pen name Lars Kepler, the Ahndorils decided to present a detective novel so that readers would not associate them with their previous work through familiar names. Nevertheless, the authors' identity was revealed after the publication of the first book (The Hypnotist). Because of both writers' penchant for suspense and crime stories, they write works with a detective plot under a pseudonym.
The name of the protagonist, Joon, is an adaptation of the biblical name Jonah.
They live in Stockholm and have three daughters.