Henning Mankell

Henning Mankell

February 3, 1948 – October 5, 2015

  • Henning Mankell I Die, But the Memory Lives on
    Henning Mankell An Event in Autmn

    An Event in Autmn

    2 copies in stock
    Henning Mankell After the Fire

    After the Fire

    2 copies in stock
    Henning Mankell Daniel


    Last copy
    Henning Mankell The Dogs of Riga
    Henning Mankell The Man Who Smiled
    Henning Mankell Before the Frost

    Before the Frost

    4 copies in stock
    Henning Mankell The pyramid

    The pyramid

    4 copies in stock
    Henning Mankell Faceless Killers

    Faceless Killers

    4 copies in stock
    Henning Mankell The Man from Beijing

    The Man from Beijing

    4 copies in stock
    Henning Mankell Firewall


    2 copies in stock