Edward Everett Hale
2023American Essays
2023Christmas Eve
2023Christmas Day
2022ProsperoS Island
2022The Life of Christopher Columbus, From his own Letters and Journals and Other Documents of his Time
2022Hands Off
2022Mohonk Addresses
2022The Great Design of Henry Iv: From the Memoirs of the Duke of Sully, and the United States of Europe
2019The Contribution of Boston to American Independence. Oration Delivered Before the Mayor and Citizens
2019How They Lived in Hampton: A Study of Practical Christianity Applied in the Manufacture of Woollens
2018What Career?
2017Ups and Downs
2017Stories of War
2017The Age of Fable
2016Everyday sermons
2009June To May
2009Our New Crusade
2009Susan's Escort
2009Independence Day
2008Old And New V8
2007In His Name
2004How To Do It