Dorothy L. Sayers

Dorothy L. Sayers

June 13, 1893 – December 17, 1957

  • Dorothy L. Sayers Whose Body?

    Whose Body?

    2 copies in stock
    Dorothy L. Sayers Unnatural Death

    Unnatural Death

    3 copies in stock
    Dorothy L. Sayers The Nine Tailors

    The Nine Tailors

    2 copies in stock
    Dorothy L. Sayers Murder Must Advertise
    Dorothy L. Sayers The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
    Dorothy L. Sayers Busman's Honeymoon
    Edgar Wallace Kriminalgeschichten. Detective Stories
    Dorothy L. Sayers Clouds of Witness
    Dorothy L. Sayers Strong poison

    Strong poison

    2 copies in stock
    Dorothy L. Sayers Five Red Herrings

    Five Red Herrings

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    Dorothy L. Sayers Lord Peter Views the Body