David Hume
April 26, 1711 – August 25, 1776
2024The History of England; From The Invasion Of Julius Caesar To The Revolution In 1688, In Six Volumes
2023The History of England From the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Revolution in 1688; Volume III
2022History Of England: From The Death Of George The Second In 1760: A.d. 1807 To A.d. 1813; Volume 19
2022An Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding, and An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
2020Of Suicide
2019The History of England, From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. Embellished Wi
2015My Own Life
2015The History Of England: From The Invasion Of Julius Cæsar To The Revolution In 1688. --, Volume 2
2010People Power
2008Selected Essays
2005On suicide