Anne Fine
December 7, 1947
2023Next to Alice
2020A Remarkable Ear
2020Jamie and Angus
2019Into the Bin
2017Magic Ball
2017Let it Snow
2016Press Play
2016Under the Bed
2016Friday surprise
2015The Party Club
2015Madame Doubtfire
2014Hole in the Road
2014Blood Family
2014Blue Moon Day
2012Big Red Balloon
2012Care of Henry
2012The Nag Club
2006Bad Dreams
2006Up On Cloud Nine
2006Charm School
2006Frozen Billy
2002The Tulip Touch
2002Notso Hotso
1999Roll Over Roly
1999The Killjoy
1999Telling Liddy
1998Only a Show
1998Loudmouth Louis
1997Jennifer's Diary
1994Flour babies
1989Bill's new frock