Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
August 28, 1749 – March 22, 1832
2023German Classics
2023Faust; A Tragedy
2022Novels and Tales
2022Faust: A Tragedy
2022Goethe's Egmont
2022Goethes Faust
2022Faust: A Tragedy / by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe; Translated in the Original Metres by Frank Claudy
2022German Fiction
2021Faust, Part 1
2020Wilhelm Meister
2015German Refugees
2015Goethe's poems
2014Faust I & II
2013Poems of Goethe
2013Faust Part 2
2013Grand tour
2012Faust ¿ Part 1
2011The New Melusina
2011Faust, a Tragedy
2010The Parable
2009Goethe's Boyhood
2009German Dramas
2009Aus Meinem Leben
2008Torquato Tasso
2008Two German Tales
2008Goethe's Minchen
2008Faust: Part Two
2008Erotic poems
2005Selected Poetry
2004Faust Part 1
2004Erotica Romana
1962Goethe's Faust