Karsten Dusse
April 30, 1973
German lawyer narrating audiobooks. He became a well-known television author and bestselling author of the crime series of novels Achtsam morden.
Dusse comes from a family of lawyers with Huguenot roots. After graduating from the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium in Kettwig, he served one year each in the army and navy of the Bundeswehr. He then studied law in Bonn and Lausanne and completed his legal clerkship in Bonn and Los Angeles. In 2003, Dusse was admitted to the bar in Bonn. He is mainly active in tenancy and property law.
Dusse already worked in the media industry during his student days, including as a cable carrier and warm-up driver in the run-up to television productions. His interest in television had been aroused by Hans Meiser, whom he accompanied on Mallorca due to a campaign by the WAZ. Later, Dusse also worked as a television and radio presenter, including for SWR3. For example, he developed the casting show "Millionaire's Election" broadcast on ProSieben.
Dusse became known nationwide as the street reporter "Wulf Assols" of the "Freitag Nacht News", a comedy format of RTL. Further appearances followed, including in "Anke Late Night", "Richterin Barbara Salesch" and "Verklag mich doch!". His work as a leading author for "Ladykracher" and other formats was awarded the German Television Award and the German Comedy Award and nominated for the Grimme Award.
In recent years, Dusse has worked primarily as an author: in 2015, Piper Verlag published a "Handbook for the Rule of Law" under the title Halbwissen eines Volljuristen (Half-Knowledge of a Fully Qualified Lawyer). 2019 was followed by another non-fiction book. In between, Dusse dealt with the consequences of political populism on our society for a collection of essays, which was published in 2017 under the title "We have the choice".
In 2019, Dusse published his first novel, Achtsam morden, with Heyne Verlag, which became a bestseller and the basis for the book series of the same name.