Complex Analysis and Related Topics
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Inhaltsverzeichnis1. Local integrability of systems of m smooth linearly independent complex vector fields on m + 1 dimensional manifolds.2. On asymptotic properties of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation.3. On Qp functions.4. On Green’s functions for subelliptic operators.5. Clifford analysis on Poincaré space.6. Unitarily invariant trace extensions beyond the trace class.7. L2 results for $$\overline \partial$$ in a conic.8. Lie superalgebras of supermatrices of complex size. Their generalizations and related integrable systems.9. A new local variant of the Hausdorff-Young inequality.10. Spectral asymptotics of the N particle Schrödinger equation when N ? ? and normal forms of the quadratic boson operators.11. A survey of Qp spaces.12. Hurwitz-type and space-time-type duality theorems for Hermitian Hurwitz pairs.13. On the problem of deciding whether a holomorphic vector field is complete.14. Variations on a theorem of Severi.15. Bergman-Toeplitz and pseudodifferential operators.16. The small Hankel operator in several complex variables.17. The reproducing kernel Hilbert space and its multiplication operators.18. Lie algebras in Fock space.