Radiological imaging of the neonatal chest
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As outlined by Dr. V. Donoghue in her preface, recent advances in the therapeutic manage ment of neonates with low gestational age have resulted in a significantly high er survival rate and better outcome for these newborns. Lung and heart malformations or acquired diseases represent a major part of the life threatening conditions in this group of critically ill patients, and radiological imaging is one of the main tools to define the appropriate therapeutic approach. This book not only provides an excellent update on the embryological and anatomical aspects of neonatal ehest conditions but also offers a unique and comprehensive overview of our current knowledge and of recent progress in imaging techniques of the neonatal ehest. Dr. Donoghue has been successful in engaging a number of outstandingly qualified international experts to contribute to this work, and I would like to congratulate her on the excellent coordination and editing of this book. I am confident that this outstanding volume will meet with great interest not only from general as well as specialised paediatric radiologists but also from neonatologists and paediatricians. I hope it will enjoy the same success as many previous volumes in this senes. Leuven ALBERT 1. BAERT Preface In the past two deeades there have been extraordinary advanees in the treatment of eritically ill neonates, resulting in improvements in their survival and a signifieant deerease in morbid ity. Infants of very low gestational ages are now surviving.