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Formal methods and software engineering

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InhaltsverzeichnisKeynote Talks.Program Verification Through Computer Algebra.JML’s Rich, Inherited Specifications for Behavioral Subtypes.Three Perspectives in Formal Engineering.Specification and Verification.A Method for Formalizing, Analyzing, and Verifying Secure User Interfaces.Applying Timed Interval Calculus to Simulink Diagrams.Reducing Model Checking of the Few to the One.Induction-Guided Falsification.Verifying ? Models of Industrial Systems with Spin.Stateful Dynamic Partial-Order Reduction.Internetware and Web-Based Systems.User-Defined Atomicity Constraint: A More Flexible Transaction Model for Reliable Service Composition.Environment Ontology-Based Capability Specification for Web Service Discovery.Scenario-Based Component Behavior Derivation.Verification of Computation Orchestration Via Timed Automata.Towards the Semantics for Web Service Choreography Description Language.Type Checking Choreography Description Language.Concurrent, Communicating, Timing and Probabilistic Systems.Formalising Progress Properties of Non-blocking Programs.Towards a Fully Generic Theory of Data.Verifying Statemate Statecharts Using CSP and FDR.A Reasoning Method for Timed CSP Based on Constraint Solving.Mapping RT-LOTOS Specifications into Time Petri Nets.Reasoning Algebraically About Probabilistic Loops.Object and Component Orientation.Formal Verification of the Heap Manager of an Operating System Using Separation Logic.A Statically Verifiable Programming Model for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs.Model Checking Dynamic UML Consistency.Testing and Model Checking.Conditions for Avoiding Controllability Problems in Distributed Testing.Generating Test Cases for Constraint Automata by Genetic Symbiosis Algorithm.Checking theConformance of Java Classes Against Algebraic Specifications.Incremental Slicing.Assume-Guarantee Software Verification Based on Game Semantics.Optimized Execution of Deterministic Blocks in Java PathFinder.Tools.A Tool for a Formal Pattern Modeling Language.An Open Extensible Tool Environment for Event-B.Tool for Translating Simulink Models into Input Language of a Model Checker.Fault-Tolerance and Security.Verifying Abstract Information Flow Properties in Fault Tolerant Security Devices.A Language for Modeling Network Availability.Multi-process Systems Analysis Using Event B: Application to Group Communication Systems.Specification and Refinement.Issues in Implementing a Model Checker for Z.Taking Our Own Medicine: Applying the Refinement Calculus to State-Rich Refinement Model Checking.Discovering Likely Method Specifications.Time Aware Modelling and Analysis of Multiclocked VLSI Systems.SALT—Structured Assertion Language for Temporal Logic.

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Formal methods and software engineering, Zhiming Liu

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