Algebra and coalgebra in computer science
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InhaltsverzeichnisAlgebraic Effects and Recursive Equations.Adequacy for Infinitary Algebraic Effects (Abstract).Algebras for Parameterised Monads.Kleene Monads: Handling Iteration in a Framework of Generic Effects.Complete Iterativity for Algebras with Effects.Semantics of Higher-Order Recursion Schemes.Theory of Coalgebra.Coalgebraic Components in a Many-Sorted Microcosm.Complementation of Coalgebra Automata.Characterising Behavioural Equivalence: Three Sides of One Coin.Coinduction.Let’s See How Things Unfold: Reconciling the Infinite with the Intensional (Extended Abstract).Circular Coinduction: A Proof Theoretical Foundation.Bisimulation.Approximating Labelled Markov Processes Again!.Weak Bisimilarity Coalgebraically.Coalgebraic Symbolic Semantics.Relating Coalgebraic Notions of Bisimulation.Traces, Executions and Schedulers, Coalgebraically.Non-strongly Stable Orders Also Define Interesting Simulation Relations.Stone Duality.Stone Duality and the Recognisable Languages over an Algebra.Free Heyting Algebras: Revisited.Distributive Lattice-Structured Ontologies.A Duality Theorem for Real C * Algebras.Game Theory.Conway Games, Coalgebraically.A Semantical Approach to Equilibria and Rationality.Graph Transformation.Van Kampen Colimits as Bicolimits in Span.Unfolding Grammars in Adhesive Categories.Software Development Techniques.Views on Behaviour Protocols and Their Semantic Foundation.Correctness, Completeness and Termination of Pattern-Based Model-to-Model Transformation.Constructor-Based Institutions.CALCO Tools Workshop.DBtk: A Toolkit for Directed Bigraphs.Constraint-Muse: A Soft-Constraint Based System for Music Therapy.CIRC: A Behavioral Verification Tool Based on Circular Coinduction.ThePriced-Timed Maude Tool.A Tool Proving Well-Definedness of Streams Using Termination Tools.