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Scientific and statistical database management

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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talks.Tradeoffs between Parallel Database Systems, Hadoop, and HadoopDB as Platforms for Petabyte-Scale Analysis.Emerging Trends and Converging Technologies in Data Intensive Scalable Computing.Query Processing.Deriving Spatio-temporal Query Results in Sensor Networks.Efficient and Adaptive Distributed Skyline Computation.On the Efficient Construction of Multislices from Recurrences.Optimizing Query Processing in Cache-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks.Approximate Query Answering and Result Refinement on XML Data.Efficient and Scalable Method for Processing Top-k Spatial Boolean Queries.Scientific Data Management and Analysis.A Framework for Moving Sensor Data Query and Retrieval of Dynamic Atmospheric Events.Client + Cloud: Evaluating Seamless Architectures for Visual Data Analytics in the Ocean Sciences.Scalable Clustering Algorithm for N-Body Simulations in a Shared-Nothing Cluster.Database Design for High-Resolution LIDAR Topography Data.PetaScope: An Open-Source Implementation of the OGC WCS Geo Service Standards Suite.Towards Archaeo-informatics: Scientific Data Management for Archaeobiology.Data Mining.DESSIN: Mining Dense Subgraph Patterns in a Single Graph.Discovery of Evolving Convoys.Finding Top-k Similar Pairs of Objects Annotated with Terms from an Ontology.Identifying the Most Influential User Preference from an Assorted Collection.MC-Tree: Improving Bayesian Anytime Classification.Non-intrusive Quality Analysis of Monitoring Data.Visual Decision Support for Ensemble Clustering.Indexes and Data Representation.An Indexing Scheme for Fast and Accurate Chemical Fingerprint Database Searching.BEMC: A Searchable, Compressed Representation for Large Seismic Wavefields.Dynamic Data Reorganization for Energy Savings in Disk Storage Systems.Organization of Data in Non-convex Spatial Domains.PrefIndex: An Efficient Supergraph Containment Search Technique.Supporting Web-Based Visual Exploration of Large-Scale Raster Geospatial Data Using Binned Min-Max Quadtree.Scientific Workflow and Provenance.Bridging Workflow and Data Provenance Using Strong Links.LIVE: A Lineage-Supported Versioned DBMS.Optimizing Resource Allocation for Scientific Workflows Using Advance Reservations.A Fault-Tolerance Architecture for Kepler-Based Distributed Scientific Workflows.Provenance Context Entity (PaCE): Scalable Provenance Tracking for Scientific RDF Data.Taverna, Reloaded.Similarity.Can Shared-Neighbor Distances Defeat the Curse of Dimensionality?.Optimizing All-Nearest-Neighbor Queries with Trigonometric Pruning.Prefix Tree Indexing for Similarity Search and Similarity Joins on Genomic Data.Similarity Estimation Using Bayes Ensembles.Subspace Similarity Search: Efficient k-NN Queries in Arbitrary Subspaces.Data Stream Processing.Continuous Skyline Monitoring over Distributed Data Streams.Propagation of Densities of Streaming Data within Query Graphs.Spatio-temporal Event Stream Processing in Multimedia Communication Systems.Stratified Reservoir Sampling over Heterogeneous Data Streams.Tree Induction over Perennial Objects.

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Scientific and statistical database management, Michael Gertz

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