Information security and privacy
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InhaltsverzeichnisSymmetric Key Encryption.Cryptanalysis of a Generalized Unbalanced Feistel Network Structure.Improved Algebraic Cryptanalysis of QUAD, Bivium and Trivium via Graph Partitioning on Equation Systems.On Multidimensional Linear Cryptanalysis.Side-Channel Analysis of the K2 Stream Cipher.On Unbiased Linear Approximations.Hash Functions.Distinguishers for the Compression Function and Output Transformation of Hamsi-256.Second-Preimage Analysis of Reduced SHA-1.Some Observations on Indifferentiability.Public Key Cryptography.Adaptive and Composable Non-committing Encryptions.Relations among Notions of Complete Non-malleability: Indistinguishability Characterisation and Efficient Construction without Random Oracles.Strong Knowledge Extractors for Public-Key Encryption Schemes.A Multi-trapdoor Commitment Scheme from the RSA Assumption.Identity-Based Chameleon Hash Scheme without Key Exposure.The Security Model of Unidirectional Proxy Re-Signature with Private Re-Signature Key.Security Estimates for Quadratic Field Based Cryptosystems.Solving Generalized Small Inverse Problems.Protocols.One-Time-Password-Authenticated Key Exchange.Predicate-Based Key Exchange.Attribute-Based Authenticated Key Exchange.Optimally Tight Security Proofs for Hash-Then-Publish Time-Stamping.Additive Combinatorics and Discrete Logarithm Based Range Protocols.Proof-of-Knowledge of Representation of Committed Value and Its Applications.Network Security.Pattern Recognition Techniques for the Classification of Malware Packers.Repelling Sybil-Type Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Systems.