The Xerula Oudemansiella complex (Agaricales)
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This volume summarizes the taxonomic and phylogenetic knowledge of a small group of fungal, mushroom genera (Homobasidiomycota, Agaricales) centered in Xerula s. l. and Oudemansiella. The work is partitioned into several parts: introductory material including the published history of the group; application of DNA sequencing and phylogenetics to the involved taxa; world monographs of the included genera; and studies of type specimens linked to implicated taxa. Sixtyeight new taxa and / or new combinations are proposed, including four new genera (Hymenopellis, Paraxerula, Pointiculomyces, Protoxerula), and other genera are resurrected/reconfigured (Dactylosporina, Mucidula, Oudemansiella, Xerula). The descriptive text is supplemented with copious line drawings, phylogenetic trees and 31 color plates. Combining, as it does, traditional morphotaxonomy, monography, molecular applications and thorough type specimen descriptions, this volume is intended for workers in these fields, especially those interested in agaric groups. It will serve as an active monographic source as well as a reference to many taxonomic names both in and out of the targeted complex.
- 9783443510596