10 rules for a healthy, balanced diet
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Actually, everyone should be aware that a balanced diet is the corner stone of a healthy life. Only those who follow a balanced diet, remain healthy, active and mentally alert in the long term. „You are what you eat“, as the proverb says. Those who are interested in healthy eating, and would like to set up a meaningful diet are sometimes faced with tough decisions. The bewildering range of goods in the stores confuses the consumer as does the continuous stream of new food products, mineral waters and dietary supplements which are extensively advertised. Moreover the consumers too are very different; children would like different foods compared to adults. Older people have different energy requirements compared to young people, who perform manual labour or are actively en-gaged in sports. Diabetics or those who would like to lose weight must ob-serve different prescriptions compared to a person who is underweight. And not everyone would like to live as a vegetarian or shop only in the health food stores in the future. These guidelines should enable the readers to make an objective assess-ment of their eating habits in order to do their bit for their own well-being up to a ripe old age, by observing the rules presented here. Ein Buch für alle diejenigen geschrieben, die in leicht verständlicher Form mehr über die tägliche Ernährung wissen möchten. Ideal auch für den Schulunterricht: - allgemein bildende Schulen - Berufsschulen - Berufsfachschulen - Erwachsenenbildung