To lexilogio tu idiōmatos tu Basilakiu tēs archaias Olympias
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Georgios Alexandropoulos University of Athens This book describes the local language of a small village which is called Vasilaki and is close to Ancient Olympia. The purpose of this book is to gather both the vocabulary of this certain area and describe its morphological, phonological, syntactic, semantic characteristics, since there is no kind of reference for this village, even though the vocabulary of Ilia was studied in 1939. Since then, there is no other systematic study. For this reason, this book can be useful for next studies, as it describes how the habitants use now the idiomatic lexical elements in their speech production. It also contains a lot of archaisms and loanwords, as this area is between two geographical regions, Arcadia and Ilia. This village functions as isogloss and there is social interaction between two regions' habitants. This research was held in 2007 and is based mostly in the contact and interaction of the author with the habitants of this area where he was born. ?? s??? e???µ??? ß?ß??? ? ata??? fe? t? ? e??????? t?? ? d??µat?? t?? ? as?? a???? t?? ??? a? a? ???µp? a?. ??? a? t?? e? t? p? sµ?? t?? µ?? f????????, f??????????, s?? ta? t????, s?µas????????? ? a? a? t??? st???? t?? ? d??µat??, ßas???? st???? ? p??? e ? ? ata?? af? t?? ? e????????? p??? t?? t?? s??? e???µ???? pe??????. ???? e? ta? ?? a µ? a pe?????, ? p?? ß?? s? eta? sta s???? a t?? ??µ?? ?? e? a? ? a? ??? ad? a? ? a? a??? e? st?? d?µ? t?? ??? a? a? ???µp? a?. ? pe????? de? ? t?? e µ???? t?? a ?? p?? a? s? st?µat???? d? a? e? t???????? µe?? t??, af?? de? s?µpe??? aµß?? eta? st?? pe?????? p?? µe? et???? a? se p??? e?? ste? e? µe?? te? ?? a t?? ? ata?? af? t?? ? d??µat?? t?? ??µ?? ?? e? a?. ? ?? e?? a p? a?µat? p?????? e t? 2007 ? a? ßas?? eta? pe?? ss? te?? st?? epaf? ? a? t?? a???? ep? d? as? t?? s???? af? a µe t??? ? at?????? t?? ? e?? te???? t??. ISBN 9783862885404. LINCOM Studies in Language 02. 122pp. 2014.