A family in the wilderness
More about the book
Alexandros Sun Eagle, wilderness guide and traveler. Following my heartvoice, I decided to successfully end my studies to fufilll my dream by living for one year in the northern woods of the USA, as a participant in a guided wilderness program. We were 25 adults and 17 children, coming together to live as a clan, following the traditions of the indigenous people. During this time, I found out a lot about myself and experienced the old ways as new. We lived together for almost one year without technology or the influence of civilization. What the Family Year was all about: NATURE: Stepping back from romantic fantasies about living in Nature and facing the challenging and beautiful reality of it COMMUNITY: Practicing new methods of communication and finding tools for creating a peaceful and healing togetherness CHILDREN: Accompanying our children in a natural way ADVENTURE: Having experiences that I had only known about from movies or books! SELF-AWARENESS: Sharing all the thoughts, ups and downs and feelings I had during the Family Year