A superhero cape each.
More about the book
This book has been written based on the fact that many authors, creatives and other beautiful minds had ideas that are worth sharing on the one hand, do seldom give an overview of the big picture on the other hand. All of these ideas together consolidate in a great concept that explains why you are who you are, how you can create long term happiness for yourself and what to do explicitly to maintain a fulfilled life. Speaking in a metaphor it allows you to stitch together your own superhero cape. One cape that suits you and helps you to maintain improvement and therefore happiness. The base is the idea that happiness is created when you are improving. Whenever your life gets better, even just a little bit, you will stay happy. It is not about the actual state of where you are, but about the process of progression. But life is very different for every single individual, so you can imagine it`s not that easy. Factors like, how much do you value each area – health (physical), family, career, mental, spiritual, financial or social – of your life play a major role. The foundation of this concept is made of ideas, frameworks, concepts, models and theory that is directed towards a fulfilling life. All of these make sense alone, but put together and carrying the concept of “Happiness is created when you are improving” as the tip of the iceberg, they can really make a difference in your life. The concept serves as an invisible superhero cape, which you will be able to put around your shoulders once you read through – but be careful: No flying, cars driving through you or endless strength.