Emergence of a new type of family?
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In his dissertation, Christian Haag contributes to the body of research in family sociology in providing original results on parenting intentions of homosexual women and men. Based on a quantitative German dataset from the State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb), the thesis delineates parenting intentions, finds evidence for influ-encing factors which are important in the development of these inten-tions, and furthermore describes and discusses intended family patterns of homosexual women and men. The implications are discussed at an individual and a societal level. Results throughout point towards the importance of the social and legal framework, and changes and chal-lenges in this regard are discussed in light of the results. Results and their implications are not restricted to homosexual women and men, but extend to common issues and topics applying also to heterosexual cou-ples in treatment with assisted reproductive techniques.