More about the book
“Neuro-Oncology” This compact desk book may give each colleague a systematic overview of complete neuro-oncology from scalp to the spine. The topics have been presented in “Top Down” starting thoroughly from scalp to the sacral spine. The chapters have also been well classified from introduction to conclusion in order to get a quick overview of each chapter. We have also attempted to keep the text in simple and fluent English making it more efficient in saving time for readers. We tried to comprise all information about the treatment strategies, modalities of choice and also to explain all advantages and disadvantages of different surgical approaches to lesions of CNS. This book contains a compact text from several neurosurgical sources consisting of many journals and books published currently in the neurosurgical field. In addition we have integrated about 74 new self-created tables and about 150 suitable original photos into the book. Therefore it may be useful as a desk book for every Neurosurgeon. It can also give the colleagues all necessary information for the Board Exam as well as for daily clinical practice in the Neurosurgery and in the operating room.