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Social problems in rural areas under conditions of change

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InhaltsverzeichnisInhalt: A. A. Bodenstedt, Agricultural Future in Industrialized Countries: The Case of Europe - G. C. Filson, Ontario Farmers' Differing Attitudes toward the Seriousness of Land Degradation - A. Barbič, The Strategy for Rural Development in the Republic of Slovenia - K. Krambach, Beweggründe von Genossenschaftsbauern für ihre berufliche Perspektive in einer gemeinschaftlichen (genossenschaftlichen oder ähnlichen) Existenzform (1990 untersucht in der DDR bzw. in den neuen Bundesländern der BRD) - S. Merl, Problems of East German Agriculture in Transition to the Market and Policy Consequences for the Soviet Union - A. I. Aleksee / N. V. Zubarevich, The Influence of Family Ties on Rural Community Viability Preservation - J. I. Bakker, Structural Changes in Agriculture and Rural Development: Relevance of Innis and Weber for Russian Rural Studies - V. R. Belenkii, The Transition to the Market: A Mosaic of Problems, Interests and Contradictions - P. I. Blus, The Perm Region: Regional Peculiarities of the Agribusiness Development Structure - G. N. Butyrin, Foundations of Present Day Cooperation in Rural Areas - G. M. Fedorov / V. S. Korneevets, The Territorial Differentiation of Kaliningrad's Regional Agricultural Efficiency - S. Grzhibovskii / L. Ipp / V. Saakov, The Concept of Creating a System of Information Service in Peasant Agriculture - M. Y. Kaluzhinskii, Settlement Construction under Northern Conditions (Specifically in Yakutia) - V. M. Kozlinskii, The Social Infrastructure in Latvia under the Conditions of Shifting to a Market Economy - B. Mel'nikov, Social-Demographic Processes in the Contemporary Countryside (Case Study of the Komi Republic) - V. B. Mikhailov, The Labour Potential for Farm Household Development - V. A. Nutrikhin, Social Conditions of Success of Different Management Forms in the Countryside - V. A. Nutrikhin, The Problem of Motives and Incentives in Agricultural Production - B. P. Pankov, Socio-Economic Aspects of Agriculture: High-Skilled Personnel Training during the Transition to a Market Economy - A. Pashko, About Agrarian Relations of the North under the Conditions of the Transition to Market Economy - P. V. Ryvkina, Is it Possible to Revive Peasantry and to Create a Farming Agriculture in the USSR? - I. M. Slepenkov, Planning and Social Orientation of Village School Graduates - A. B. Soskiev, Social Aspects of Rural Area Development - Y. A. Volkov, The Social and Economic Problems of Education and Maintenance of Intellectual Personnel in Rural Areas

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Social problems in rural areas under conditions of change, Adolf Andreas Bodenstedt

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