Risikomanagement als Handlungsfeld in der Raumplanung
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The volume demonstrates the need for the management of risks in spatial planning and land use planning. In the view of the ARL working group “Risk Management as a Sphere of Action in Spatial Planning”, risk management should basically be categorised in the general principle of spatial planning. At present, however, there is still a lack of an explicit and comprehensive assignment of spatial planning to risk management. The object of such risk management can only be spatial planning related risks. Effi cient risk management can be linked to spatial structure concepts and put into concrete terms in an approach that is cross-sectionally oriented, whereby a discourse-determined result via risk communication should be aspired. As a means of assistance for planning practice, a review scheme is being developed and tips regarding the integration of risk management into the Strategic Environmental Assessment of spatial planning formulation of the principles of spatial planning relating to planning law and the need for further research is demonstrated.