PR handbook for new energies
More about the book
The handbook explains to managing directors and marketing and PR heads of biomass, solar and wind companies, how they select PR measures, find the right topics and the appropriate target media and prepare a timetable and action plan. Step by step, the main author Iris Krampitz explains to her readers how to prepare their own concept and monitor the success of their media work. In practical terms, she describes how to compile a press distribution list, how to get in contact with journalists at a trade fair and what to pay attention to when organising a press conference. In her texts, she rigorously uses examples from the renewable energies sector and sector specific checklists – regardless of whether it concerns the structure and language of a press release, the concept for a trade fair, the scenic preamble to a professional article or the questions for an interview. Besides the main author and publisher Iris Krampitz, marketing and social media experts and a crisis communications expert have their say as co-authors. Sector journalists comment on the press relations work of companies from the renewable energies sector. Comprehensive chapters are devoted to - the development and implementation of PR strategies and concepts - measures and tools used in media work - internet marketing and social media - international PR - crisis communication