Proceedings of the XVIII International UIE-Congress: electrotechnologies for material processing
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Following the long tradition of International Congresses of the International Union for Electricity applications (UIE) starting 80 years ago in the Netherlands and recently taken place in Durban/South Africa 2004, Krakow/Poland 2008 and St. Petersburg/Russia 2012 the Institute of Electrotechnology of the Leibniz Universität Hannover/Germany has the pleasure to host the XVIII International UIE-Congress on Electrotechnologies for Material Processing in Hannover (Germany), June 6–9, 2017. The present volume of proceedings includes 83 papers by authors coming from 15 countries. They will be presented at oral and poster sessions. The investigation, development, promotion and defence of efficient electricity applications with regard to sustainable and economic impact are the mission of the UIE.