Technology cooperation and economic benefit of reduction of GHG emissions in Indonesia
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In recent years, there has been a visible and perceptible change in climate on a global scale, rendering many parts of the world vulnerable to its negative impact. Global warming and thereby induced climate change have become one of the major challenges of this century for the international community. For Indonesia, the negative impact of global warming and climate change is many-fold. The forecast warns of an increased level of temperature as well as the rise of sea level. The archipelagic construction and the geological structure of the country makes it susceptible to an array of natural disasters related to climate such as flood, drought, storm, landslide and forest fires which have taken their toll in human losses as well as in the economic and social infrastructure. The concentration of population along the coastal line and in urban areas, high population level in urban areas, fragile ecosystems as well as economic activities still dependent on fossil fuel further aggravate the situation. Against this backdrop, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has adopted several measures to counter the impacts of climate change. The introduction of a National Energy Policy in 2006, the National Action Plan addressing climate change in 2007, the promotion of green energy, the development of renewable energy as well as the protection and preservation of tropical rain forests are some of the concrete steps which demonstrate the strong commitment of the Government to address the threat of climate change.