The Legitimacy of the welfare state
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This volume contributes to the current debates on the historical evolution and the legitimacy of the welfare state. This initially means exploring the lines of connection between the major transformations in 16th century (Reformation) and the formation of modern welfare states. What is shown: Religion matters. Then the volume concentrates on the present-day situation and the outlook for the future. How do things stand today with regard to the welfare state? From a global point of view it does not by any means appear to be regarded as a matter of course that it represents the way forward into the modern age. Some of the classic welfare states – for example the United Kingdom – appear to have already turned away from pursuing this path. And the welfare state is undergoing constant metamorphoses, and has to react to situations of changing need, especially as far as processes of individualisation and gender structures are concerned. But still the welfare state sticks to the moral obligations, which once led to his inception. This volume is a collection of papers given at a conference in Berlin in April 2014 on the subject of “Protestant Ethics and the Modern Welfare State: Late Effects of the Reformation”.