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Blueprint Intermediate Workbook


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Blueprint intermediate is a fully-integrated course for students who have completed two to three years " study of English. Blueprint answers the specific needs and problems of the intermediate learner in a way that is constantly challenging and highly motivating. It offers material wich builds confidence and learner independence, and improves fluency and accuacy in the four skills. Brian Abbs and Ingrid Freebairn have broght their skills and experience together to give blueprint several distinctive features. Blueprint integrates new grammar items and study notes with thorough revision of familiar structures introduces regular Flency and Self-check sections enriches vocabulary by developing word-building techniques amphasises reading and includes extracts from british and American literature provides stimulating topics ranging from personal morality to politics in sport features a Student Cassette for use at home which gives pronunciation, stress and intonation exercises offers an optional video based on the language syllabus of Blueprint an featuring the characters in the Students'Book In approximately 120 hours Blueprint tackes students from lower intermediate to FCE preparation level. Blueprint components : Student's Book Workbook Teacher's book Student Cassette Set of 2 Class Cassettes Grammar Practice Book Test Video : Face the music.


Longman Group



1989, saddle stitch


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