Possessed By Ghosts
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Angielska wersja książki Wandy Prątnickiej p.t. 'Opętani przez duchy - Egzorcyzmy w XXI stuleciu'. Tytuł: 'Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms in the XXI century'. Wspaniale przetłumaczona na język angielski przez angielskiego pisarza polskiego pochodzenia, Jacka Laskowskiego z Londynu. The subject of the book could be a panacea for very many of our world's misfortunes. From various states of mental disturbance, deviations, dependencies, severe psychiatric illnesses including those requiring isolation, through to chronic diseases or those that are considered to be incurable. The question of ghosts also applies to various everyday situations like the demanding behavior of a family member, difficulties with learning, with people close to one, work colleagues or business associates. They often lead to helplessness, loneliness, isolation, or to difficult financial, health and social situations. What is a frequent cause of various diseases, misfortunes, lesser or greater failures? How can one deal with them, how can one guard against them in the future?