Janet Evanovich
April 22, 1943
Also known as: Janet Evanovich
2024Now or Never
2023Dirty Thirty
2022Going Rogue
2021The Bounty, 7
2021The Bounty
2021Game On
2020Twisted 26
2019The Big Kahuna
2019Two for the Road
2017Motor Mouth LP
2017Twice the Plum
2017Hardcore 24
2017Dangerous Minds
2016Curious Minds
2016The Pursuit
2015The Scam
2015Wicked Charms
2014The Job
2014The Chase
2014The heist
2013The Husband List
2013Takedown Twenty
2012Wicked business
2011Sizzling Sixteen
2010Hot Stuff
2010Hero at Large
2010Wicked appetite
2009The Grand Finale
2009Plum Spooky
2008Naughty Neighbor
2008Foul Play
2008Plum Lucky
2007Wife for Hire
2007Plum Lovin'
2006Full Scoop
2006Motor Mouth
2006Twelve Sharp
2005Manhunt LP
2005Metro Girl
2005Love Overboard
2005Full Bloom
2005Eleven on top
2004Metro Girl LP
2004Full Blast
2004Ten Big Ones
2003Full Speed
2003Hard Eight
2003To the Nines
2003Full tilt
2002Full House
2001Seven Up
2000Hot Six
2000High Five
1998Four to Score