Grandstand Ruhr
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Im Herbst 2005 erscheint das Buch q/4ber Stadtgeschichte und Fußball im Ruhrgebiet in englischer Sprache. Es wird in knapper Form die ausländischen Besucher bei der Fußball - WM 2006 q/4ber die Geschichte der Städte und Fußballvereine informieren. Besonders fq/4r Sportjournalisten, die nicht die Muße haben, sich im Internet, in Archiven und Bibliotheken q/4ber die Region kundig zu machen, bietet das Buch wichtige Hintergrundinformationen. Dieser Service fq/4r die Gäste ist auch deshalb notwendig, weil die Sprache des Fußballs Englisch ist. Die Insel ist die Mutter des Fußballspiels und seiner Regeln. Fq/4r kleine Städte an Ruhr und Emscher (Castrop-Rauxel, Herne und Wanne-Eickel, Recklinghausen, Erkenschwick u. a.), die nicht (mehr) große Fußballvereine vorweisen können, ist es wichtig, daß ihre Geschichte vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit nun auch in englischer Sprache vorliegt. The Ruhr area, which was shaped by coalmining and industry, is a melting pot of over 100 different nationalities where you can hear lots of different languages. English is one of them. Internationally operating companies often use English as their business language and there are thousands of adults who learn English in adult education centres and language schools. Recently the internet has also been used to communicate in English. FC Schalke 04 and Borussia Dortmund were the first football clubs to provide information in English on their websites. The mother tongue of football is also English as its origins are in England. However, so far there has not been any book in English which gives a comprehensive overview of the history of the Ruhr area, the development of its cities and its football clubs. The forthcoming book Grandstand Ruhr fills this gap. For the journalists and foreign visitors who will come to the Ruhr area for the World-Cup 2006 it means:- fast information on cities, football clubs and their tradition,- no time-consuming research in municipal archives and libraries in order to obtain background information,- a course book for cities and sightseeing tours,- a picture book of the culture in the Ruhr area from the Middle Agesto the modern age. The book also provides a friendly welcome to foreign guests and proves that the Ruhr area is well prepared for them. When they arrive here in 2006 the book makes orientation easier and increases their pleasure while staying in the Ruhr area.